On 07/06/2013 01:19 PM, Kevin J. Cummings wrote:
On 07/05/2013 10:26 PM, Roger wrote:
I just now used Fedup to update Fedora 18 to 19. It did it's thing
quickly and efficiently and awaited a reboot.
I have both Ubuntu and Fedora on the hard drive. It boots to the Ubuntu
grub from which I select  the Fedora install.
I selected Fedora spherical cow from the Ubuntu grub.
Isn't F19 called Schrödinger's Cat?

Problem solved.
Shut down and restarted, installed grub-config ui which found Fedora 19 and replaced then the whole thing, F19 installed and is working.

Even more perplexing is the loss of postgresql in the update to Fedora 19 , this I cannot explain. I just fresh installed Fedora 19 on my laptop and installed postgresql-server and postgresql-contrib -- all good. It installed postgres9.2 However yum in the updated Fedora 19 only installs postgresql93-server-9.3beta2-1PGDG.f19.x86_64 which will not initialise and not start. It seems to be missing the postgresql-setup initdb. Have googled all afternoon and tried postgresql93-setup initdb both errors out with command not found. Most strange that postggres installed on the laptop then a couple of hours later will not install on the desktop.

Insights from an expert would be highly appreciated
thanks in advance
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