On Wed, Jul 03, 2013 at 15:10:50 +0200,
Jouk Jansen <jo...@hrem.nano.tudelft.nl> wrote:
Hi All,
I just tried to upgrade from F18 -> F19 (using fedup). After the upgrade I
seem to have lost gnome-panel. It does not work anymore and no package of
that name can be found.
For me GNOME3 is only workable because I have access to the "old" panel
which works at least as 10 times as efficient (in number of mouse
movements/clicks) as the "new" animated way.
Is there any chance that gnome-panel gets back?
You have some options to get something similar, run the MATE desktop, run
the XFCE desktop, use the gnome-classic extension.
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