
Some netbooks are equiped with athoms, no chance of changing that.
I meant that full disk encryption is an option, but there might be (better/more 
appropriate) alternatives.

sometimes you see drastic overkills. Sure, private data needs to be protected! 
But the rest?? First analyze _what_ you exactly need to protect, and against 
_who_ .....

----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
Van: Heinz Diehl []
Verzonden: Sunday, June 30, 2013 08:16 PM W. Europe Standard Time
Aan: <>
Onderwerp: Re: retrofitting LUKS encryption on installed system

On 30.06.2013, wrote: 

> Full disc encryption on a athom demands some extra patience :-)


"..if you expect performance on any
general loads from Atom, you need to get your head examined." 

(Linus Torvalds 01.09.2011 in

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