On 30.06.2013 22:59, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Jun 2013 21:24:31 +0200 poma <pomidorabelis...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On 30.06.2013 20:25, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
>>> On Sun, 30 Jun 2013 20:04:11 +0200 poma <pomidorabelis...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 30.06.2013 17:28, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
>>>>> So, I decided to try installing GoogleEarth (GE) for the first time
>>>>> ever. I found the following:
>>>>> http://fedora18tutorial.blogspot.com/2012/12/how-to-install-google-earth-on-fedora-17.html
>>>> Note the line relating to the installation. :)
>>>>> and tried it the following:
>>>>> % wget -c
>>>>> http://dl.google.com/dl/earth/client/current/google-earth-stable_current_x86_64.rpm
>>>>> %sudo yum localinstall google-earth-stable_current_x86_64.rpm 
>>>> yum install ./foobar.rpm
>>>> man 8 yum - localinstall
>>>> …  This command is maintained for legacy reasons only.
>>> Thanks, I was not aware of this. Never really read yum's manpages much.
>>>>> But I got the following:
>>>>> Transaction Check Error:
>>>>>   file /usr/bin from install of google-earth-stable-
>>>>> conflicts with file from package filesystem-3.1-2.fc18.x86_64
>>>> rpm -ivh --noscripts --excludepath /usr/bin
>>>> google-earth-stable_current_x86_64.rpm
>>>> xdg-desktop-menu install /opt/google/earth/free/google-earth.desktop
>>>> man 8 rpm
>>>> man 1 xdg-desktop-menu
>>> I guess that this can not be done using yum then? 
>> rpm -qi yum-plugin-tsflags
>> cat /usr/lib/yum-plugins/tsflags.py
>> man 5 yum.conf - tsflags
>> "excludepath"?
>> If you haven't found that it works that way, it's for your own good.
>> yum love us all. :)
>>> Btw, does GoogleEarth have a repo, or is there a third-party repo
>>> somewhere?
>> rpm -qp --scripts google-earth-stable_current_x86_64.rpm | grep yum.repos
>> But the question is, does it work at all. ;)
>> Note the dates:
>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/google-linux-repositories-help-basics
> Using your and Kevin's suggestions I was able to set up the Google
> repositories. However, I am unable to use yum to install for the same
> reasons as before.

If you omit "--noscripts" from:
'rpm -ivh --noscripts --excludepath /usr/bin
you'll get your repo file, but as I said before, google-earth.repo per
se doesn't guarantee that the whole thing work.
You can ask Google directly whether the repo is actually set, at all.
Advertised != Provided ;)

> I did try out:
> after installing yum-plugin-tsflags
> man 5 yum.conf -tsflags "excludepath"
> but nothing useful came of that (from what I can tell, this is just the
> manpage of yum.conf?).

man 5 yum.conf - tsflags

OK, it means: read the yum.conf manual, and under the OPTIONS search for
the "tsflags" and find whether there is a flag "excludepath" advertised.

rpm -qi yum-plugin-tsflags
cat /usr/lib/yum-plugins/tsflags.py

It means: what the 'yum-plugin-tsflags' provides you is translation from
the yum.conf style to the yum command line style, therefore read
'/usr/lib/yum-plugins/tsflags.py' for an example to do so.
"parser.add_option" ;)


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