On Friday 07 June 2013 02:26:32 T.C. Hollingsworth wrote:
> You have the 32-bit version of the Flash Player installed on a 64-bit
> system.  64-bit Firefox cannot use 32-bit NPAPI plugins.  This might
> have happened if you downloaded the "adobe-release" RPM on a 32-bit
> system or you used an old download from a different system.
> To fix this, remove the "adobe-release-i386" and "flash-plugin"
> packages with yum:  `yum remove adobe-release-i386 flash-plugin`.
> Then visit the Adobe website at http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer on
> the computer you intend to install it on.  Make sure the Operating
> System information at the top reads "Linux 64-bit", and then select
> the YUM rpm option, which will download an "adobe-release-x86_64" RPM
> as opposed to the "adobe-release-i386" RPM you used previously.
> Install it, then run `yum install flash-plugin` and everything should
> work fine.
> -T.C.

T.C. I finally managed to follow your in structions and it has indeed fixed 
the problem viewing youtube as well as web chatting/Skype.  However, although 
I can watch the other person's web cam I can't get mine to work.

Anyone got any ideas? I've tried manually setting the library path before 
calling firefox as per one google result but that didin't do it

Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages
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