On 11 June 2013 20:03, Steven Stern <subscribed-li...@sterndata.com> wrote:
> On 06/11/2013 01:24 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
>> On 06/11/2013 08:01 AM, Steven Stern wrote:
>>> When you're done with whatever you did and you get distracted then
>>> return to the computer, you'll probably forget you are  logged in as
>>> root.
>> That's why you either log out from root or close the terminal as soon as
>> you're done doing root stuph.
> Clearly, you're younger than I or less easily distracted.

I sometimes work with quite a lot of terminals, my two rules for doing this are:
1. Drop out of root as soon as you're done.
2. If you can't remember the state of a given session close it and
start a new one.

- For both paying attention to the #/$ prompt and CWD display are
helpful. That's what I check whenever I switch to a given terminal
(also useful to know which machine you're logged into). Arguably
there's more potential for confusion if you normally only work in one,
because you get more reliant on remembering the state.

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