Hello all,

I've just installed Fedora 18 X86-64.  I disabled and uninstalled
networkmanager and use the standard networking stuff which seems to
use dhclient. I'm using a standard ethernet connection.
So I need to do two things.  Feel free to tell me to RTFM if you can
provide a link!

1.  How do I enable pre-pending of nameservers?  I want to use dnsmasq
to cache DNS requests so I need to add to the top of
resolv.conf.  Google searchs take me to the Arch Wiki.  I can't seem to
find a dhclient.conf file anywhere in /etc.

2.  How do I assign a zone in firewalld to my connection?  I want to be
able to open ports for bittorrent and XMPP jingle voice/video.  The
firewalld wiki on the Fedora site doesn't seem to be able to answer my

thanks in advance,

Ananda Samaddar
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  • F... আনন্দ কুমার সমাদ্দার Ananda Samaddar
    • ... Mikkel L. Ellertson
      • ... আনন্দ কুমার সমাদ্দার Ananda Samaddar
        • ... আনন্দ কুমার সমাদ্দার Ananda Samaddar
        • ... Bruno Wolff III
    • ... Matthew Miller
    • ... Thomas Woerner

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