Am 11.05.2013 21:03, schrieb Fernando Cassia:
> On Sat, May 11, 2013 at 12:03 PM, "Germán A. Racca"
> <> wrote:
>> I sincerely think that this kind of complaints (I have seen several from you
>> too) won't take you nowhere.
> Yes, it takes me to nirvana. It shows me what software is well written
> and which ones are not

*no it does not*

i am a really hard figther against *useless* dependencies or
not fine enough splittet ones by subpackages pulling a X11
dependency-chain on servers

*but* i prove you that liveusb-creator pulls less than 7 MB deps
on my KDE-system and writea applicaton with QT *is not* create
a "non well written application"

how many packages have you installed - i bet a lot more than i have
as well as only few people manage setups with 6.2 GB for the rootfs
inclduding eclipse and VMware as well as server-sw and a desktop

so how can a application pull only 7 MB deps be badly written only
because it pulls on *your special setup* more?

[harry@srv-rhsoft:~]$ rpm -qa | wc -l

/dev/md1 ext4   29G    6,2G   23G   22% /

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