On 06.05.2013 10:13, Frank Murphy wrote:
> How can "showmount -e" be used to find nfs-server 
> Name and ip unknown as yet.
> I do know them, but as above q.
> man showmount hasn't helped in this
> nagios(plugin) would probably find this stuff.
> But, want to keep it a close to default 
> Xfce install as possible.

This example certainly isn't for a "Name and ip unknown as yet." ;)
But once configured server - Gut, gut, super gut, alles super gut. :)
e.g. Two[1][2] NFS shares via Avahi publish/discovery schema.

NFS Server:

[1] /etc/avahi/services/nfs-share1.service:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone='no'?><!--*-nxml-*-->
<!DOCTYPE service-group SYSTEM "avahi-service.dtd">

<!-- This is a custom avahi nfs service file -->

  <name replace-wildcards="yes">NFS share1 on %h</name>

[2] /etc/avahi/services/nfs-share2.service:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone='no'?><!--*-nxml-*-->
<!DOCTYPE service-group SYSTEM "avahi-service.dtd">

<!-- This is a custom avahi nfs service file -->

  <name replace-wildcards="yes">NFS share2 on %h</name>

systemctl status avahi-daemon.service
man 5 avahi.service

NFS Client:

avahi-browse -altv
man 1 avahi-browse
man 1 avahi-discover


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