Allegedly, on or about 28 April 2013, Joe Zeff sent:
> I've now installed xpdf, and it printed.  Not quite correctly, because
> it cut the bottom off, but it did print.  Presumably, there's
> something wrong with evince, which is what I was using before.  (I
> suspect that the file I was working with wasn't designed with 8.5X11
> in mind and xpdf wasn't able to compensate.) 

I've certainly come across PDF files that some programs couldn't handle
in one way or another (on-screen and/or print), yet others could.  You
hadn't mentioned whether all PDF files failed, or just some.

And, perhaps related, anytime I have to print a US-letter formatted page
on my A4-only printer, I go through a lot of grief.  My ye olde HP
Laserjet 4, wants me to insert paper that I don't have (with a load
letter warning on its display), instead of something letting me squeeze
the page in to fit.  So, is the PDF page size compatible with your
printer's paper size?

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 3.8.4-102.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Mar 24 13:09:09 UTC 2013 x86_64

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