I forgot to mention: this is a Fedora-18 system.  - Bill.

----- Original Message -----
> From: William Mattison <wcmatti...@yahoo.com>
> To: "users@lists.fedoraproject.org" <users@lists.fedoraproject.org>
> Cc: 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 3:52 PM
> Subject: how to fully delete user account?
>T he language for a user account was set to simplified Chinese.  Not what was 
> wanted!  So I thought I could just delete the account and re-create it.  I 
> used 
> the Users and Groups GUI to delete the user account.  I did check that the 
> home 
> directory for that account was gone.  Then I re-created the account with 
> Users 
> and Groups.  When the user first tried to log in, everything was in 
> simplified 
> Chinese!  I re-tried all this with an added reboot between deleting and 
> re-creating the account.  It was still simplified Chinese.  All other user 
> accounts are English.  Where is the language preference for that one user 
> account "remembered" even after the account is deleted, and how do I 
> clear it?  No one here knows enough simplified Chinese to read/understand the 
> simplified Chinese menu entries, buttons, prompts, messages, application icon 
> labels, etc.  Or how can I as root reset that account's preferences back to 
> default without becoming that user?
> Thank-you in advance for your help.
> Bill.
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