Sherman Grunewagon wrote:
On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 4:27 PM, Bill Davidsen wrote:
Sherman Grunewagon wrote:
On Wed Apr 10, 2013 at 11:41 AM, Bill Davidsen wrote:
Sherman Grunewagon wrote:
On Tue Apr 9, 2013, at 06:02:08, pomo wrote:
On 09.04.2013 07:38, Sherman Grunewagon wrote:
I have an external SATA disk in a USB-3 / eSATA docking
station. When I connect using eSATA, the disk stays awake. But when I
connect using the USB-3 port, it goes to sleep after a few
minutes. How do I make it work like the eSATA?
Other suggestions?
Have you tried just disabling spindown? (hdparm -S0 drive)
Thanks. I have now, as well as hdparm -B 255 drive.
The disk/docking station still suspends after a few minutes.
I'm ready to try recompling the kernel with CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND=n
But since
for i in /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/power/autosuspend; do echo -1 > $i; done
also has no effect, I think it will be a waste of time.
I should mention that this is a freshly updated F18 install.
Motherboard is a Sabertooth Z77.
The docking station is a StarTech,
and the disk is a SAMSUNG HD103SJ sata drive (1 TB).
The motherboard docs don't say anything about USB suspend.
At this point, are you sure the kernel is doing it? Assuming hdparm -S reaches
the drive itself and disables spindown via timeout, something is telling the
drive to rest, or it is firmware set to sleep regardless. Very odd.
I have since called the manufacturer of the docking station. They confirmed
that this
particular dock has the "feature" that it autonomously goes to sleep after 5
minutes of non-use
when connected via USB. That's why nothing I did via the kernel helped. I guess
I will have
to ping the two docking stations every 4.9 minutes via a cron job to keep them
What a kludge. Other suggestions?
Docking stations are cheap. Little 4-bay JBOD enclosures are cheap and offer
USB[23]/eSATA options.
Definite non-feature in your case, may have use to others.
Bill Davidsen <>
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