Allegedly, on or about 13 April 2013, Joe Zeff sent:
> My guess is that your reference counts servers, because mine gets most
> of its numbers from webserver hit logs.

Unless you can see access statistics from some very general purpose
website (i.e. one that everyone might use, like Google), as opposed to
the stats from specialist websites (web designers, Linux users), the
results are going to be horribly skewed.

Over the years, I've watched the stats from my website, which isn't
really aimed at computer users, but I'd still never claim it to be
representative of the internet users on the whole.  I've seen MSIE fall
off its perch, many years ago.  It used to be about 85-90%, fell down to
about 65%, with the majority of the rest being Firefox, and things
evened out once we got a third player.

So far, this month:
Browser              Hits   Percentage
Google Chrome        8,134  26.3
MS Internet Explorer 6,950  22.5
Firefox              6,822  22.1
Safari               4,777  15.4
Mozilla              1,198   3.8
Android browser      1,086   3.5
Opera                  806   2.6
Unknown                670   2.1
LG (PDA/Phone browser)  92   0.2
IPhone                  84   0.2
Others                 239   0.7

Also, Windows is down considerably more than one might expect.

So far, this month:
OS        Hits    Percent
Windows   19,555  63.3
Macintosh  6,060  19.6
Linux      3,454  11.1
Unknown    1,403   4.5
Java Mobile  203   0.6
BlackBerry    76   0.2
OS/2          30   0
Java          23   0
Symbian OS    17   0
Unknown Unix  15   0
Others        22   0

Every now and then there's some interesting things in the access logs,
like a C64.  I'm not sure if someone's being humerous, or whether it the
actual device.  I know it can do it, just whether anybody would actually

In both sets of stats, it's supposed to have weeded out robots and only
acknowledged real users.  Though who knows how successful it is at
weeding out the faked headers.

I think that it's safe to say, that for a long time Windows will be
dominant, because it's foisted upon people.  It's the true computer
user, or the seriously disgruntled user, who's going to try Linux.  And
out of the disgruntled users, there will be those who'd rather pay for
Mac, or can't figure out how to do anything different for themselves.

My take from this is that Linux is in about the right spot, though it's
not doing itself much good with some the current change in design
trends.  There's no point being a clone.  To change OSs, I want and need
an actual alternative.  And unless you make an incredibly dumbed down
system, there's no point in trying to pick up the absolute masses of
clueless users.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 3.8.4-102.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Mar 24 13:09:09 UTC 2013 x86_64

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