Allegedly, on or about 13 April 2013, David sent:
> I actually know several (nine) 'old time Linux' users and some are ex
> Redhat employes as well as commercial (as in paid sys admins) that say
> that the Ubuntu list is full of useless information. Much of it flat out
> wrong. Careful. The usual tip off, they say, is "Try this. It might work".

And this is different to Windows, how?  There's an awful lot of
ham-fisted doddering about to *try* and make it do what it's supposed to

> All I meant was that befer you 'move someone to Linux', of any kind, you
> need to understand that Linux use is still, mostly, limited to 'us geeks'

Again, how is this different from Windows?  Sure, hopeless computer
users can use any OS while it's working.  But it still takes a "geek" to
make Windows behave itself.  The average computer user hasn't a chance.

> All of which means? IMHO. Linux is cool but not really ready, yet, for
> grandma.

Nor is Windows.  Nor do I think it will ever be.

> Because? When $hit goes bad, or just does not work, with Linux it
> actually takes someone that knows what they are doing to fix it. Or
> reinstall it so that it works again.
> IMHO? Grandma does not want to deal with that. My mother, grandma to my
> kids, would not want any part of that if she was still alive.

And can she fix Windows?  Does she know the need to defrag, can she do
it?  Can she repair the damage from a virus that her anti-virus software
didn't detect until it was too late?  Can she install new software?  Can
she sort out an install that didn't go right?  Can she debug why the
whole computer crashes and bluescreens while trying to do something
basic with the grandson's birthday video in Windows Movie Maker?  Or any
of the plethora of other day-to-day Windows screw-ups?

I'd be very surprised if the answer to any of that was "yes" for your
grandma, or any others.  I can't remember seeing any Windows home
computer that wasn't a mess.

Windows did not get where it is by being better, easier, more reliable,
nor any other reason that would justify itself.  It became the biggest
OS infestation by devious business practices shoehorning it into
personal computers.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 3.8.4-102.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Mar 24 13:09:09 UTC 2013 x86_64

All mail to my mailbox is automatically deleted, there is no point
trying to privately email me, I will only read messages posted to the
public lists.

My apologies for not including a virus with this message, but I don't
use Windows.

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