On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 12:09:42PM +1200, Rolf Turner wrote:
> >! Package hypdestopt Error: This package requires pdfTeX in PDF mode.
> >
> >See the hypdestopt package documentation for explanation.
> >Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
> > ...
> >
> >l.55   }\@ehc
> But powerdot is incompatible with pdfTeX.
> It ***used to*** work!!!  (Why do these things always happen
> to ***me***?)
> I have attached a file demo.tex to demonstrate the problem.
> What do I need to do to get things to work?  (Panic is starting
> to set in.)

I do not know what used to work, but I tested your TeX file.  The
document class you are using seems to be incompatible with pdftex, as
mentioned in the error message.  However using plain LaTeX works.

Try this:

$ latex demo.tex
$ dvips demo.dvi
$ ps2pdf demo.ps


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