On Thu, 11 Apr 2013 17:46:15 +0300, Susi Lehtola
<jussileht...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:

> Don't install stuff manually when things have already been packages.  
> Fedora 18 features a complete TeXLive 2012 distribution; you can also  
> get it on Fedora 17 by

Except that I think Fedora installs the versions from the TeX Live svn
repository, so the binary versions you get may not be the same as if you
install from TeX Live 2012.  There have been times when the repository had
broken binaries. I haven't personally had any problems with the Fedora 18
stuff, but I don't run XeTeX, ConTeXt, etc., and if the problem is getting
LaTeX to work on a file that worked previously, this sort of thing might be an


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