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On 04/10/2013 02:03 AM, Ester Mu￱oz Aparicio wrote:
> El 10/04/13 00:47, M A Young escribi￳:
>> On Tue, 9 Apr 2013, Vir£gh J£nos wrote:
>>> After
>>> #yum install moodle
>>> what's  the proper way of configuring and starting moodle on Fedora
>>> 18?
>> You just need to tell the config.php file how to find your database - see
>> the /usr/share/doc/moodle-2.3.6/README-rpm file.
> You also need to fix SElinux permissions (see below)
>> However, there is a problem with the current Fedora and EPEL moodle 
>> packages because they remove some php QuickForm files that the moodle 
>> source ships with in favour of Fedora's packaged version. Unfortunately 
>> moodle is expecting a couple of extra files that aren't in the Fedora 
>> version because they are now obsolete.
>> Michael Young
> I had lots of problems to install moodle into Fedora, and also you should
> know that every time it is updated by yum you will need to fix permissions
> (SELinux mostly).
> I work developing courses in moodle for my clients (schools) and they have
> a certain version of moodle in their servers. To keep everything simple, I 
> installed in my computer the same version they have and I do not want yum
> to update it.
> To put it to work, I ended up using the rpm from moodle.org, and yum 
> localinstall it so that it would pull dependecies. All the php and mysql 
> packages are from remi collet's repository (again it was just easier than
> fight against Fedora's packages).
> From my notes:
> install moodle, mysql, mysql-server give permisions to apache to the moodle
> folder /var/www/moodle
Well we had the correct label for

I will update policy and Fix it for RHEL6, and all Supported Fedora.


> chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_rw_t /var/www/moodle setup moodle database in
> mysql edit config.php to add login, passw, root for www
> Then, when updating with yum, remember to exclude moodle. Anyway, you don't
> want it to be updated every few weeks if you are developing courses for
> others like I do.
> Keep in mind that I only develop courses in this server, and then transfer
> them for teaching... I mean, this is just development. I do not have
> students or other users accessing so I don't know how would that go. If
> this would be a live server I would not go for Fedora, I would pick some
> other linux flavour that does not change so quickly.
> HTH, Ester

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