You probably need to be clear about exactly what you mean by added what was
/boot to /home...

What did the partition table look like before and after you did the work?

was /boot before /home and you enlarged /home to be /home+/boot (the
partition before /home?)?

On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 6:39 PM, Joe Zeff <> wrote:

> Well, I've managed to make matters worse on my desktop.  Before doing a
> clean install, I decided to clean up my partitions a tad.  There's an old
> partition that used to be /boot until new requirements made it too small
> and was just sitting there, unmounted, so I used a LiveCD and Gparted to
> remove it.  Then, I added it to /home.  Alas, the program hung before
> completing the job and now, the partition's unrecognizable.  Gparted can't
> correct it and parted can't read it.  Using e2fsck from a command line
> tells me that the superblock is wrong, and I can't work out how to find out
> where to tell me to look.  And, probably because of this, my installation
> now hangs before it gets far enough for me to get to a CLI.  I do have a
> reasonably recent backup, if all goes bad, but I'd rather not have to use
> it.  Does anybody know how to find it, or otherwise recover the partition?
>  I'm tempted to use touch /forcefsck, to see if that works, but somehow, I
> doubt it.  Advice, or pointers to suggestions will be very, very welcome.
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