Am 28.03.2013 16:08, schrieb Suvayu Ali:
On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 02:51:22PM +0000, Frank Murphy wrote:
On Thu, 28 Mar 2013 15:41:15 +0100
Suvayu Ali <> wrote:
Upgrade to Fedora 17 or 18.
Is the solution
Although that is good advice, it is definitely not a solution to the
OP's problem.
Sometimes its good to try to be helpful even if the person can't take advantage
of the kneejerk obvious response. There can be lots of reasons that a person
can't upgrade an OS.
For instance, I am closely affiliated with a very large multi-hospital group that is
still running Windows XP. Why? The reason is that the healthcare software (case
management, automated medical records, etc.) has to be approved by the Food and Drug
Administration before it can be substantially changed, and running it on a new operating
system counts as a substantial change. Unfortunately, the bureaucratic and regulatory
mess involved with validating this kind of software can take years, and the switch will
likely cost this organization over a million dollars. And of course, as soon as it's
done, it will already be "obsolete."
A few years ago, I directed a scientific laboratory that was very heterogeneous
for similar reasons. Many machines were dedicated to specific pieces of
laboratory equipment, and the OS was determined by the needs of the software
that ran the equipment, not my convenience. I had one piece of equipment that
required AmigaOS that we didn't decommission until 2008.
While upgrading is, indeed, the best solution, it may also be appropriate to
help people who do not have that option.
That being said, it's hard to help without more information. The most common
things that have made ssh not work for me have been:
1) Some ssh packages come initially configured to only allow ssh to localhost
( Make sure that's changed in the config file if your package is
like that.
2) Some initial configurations of selinux are not ssh friendly, either make
sure that your selinix configuration allows ssh.
3) Is this a server or client problem? I wasn't sure from what you wrote
whether your problem is that people can't get to your machine to ssh, or if you
can't get to other machines from yours.
4) Have you made sure this isn't a firewall/connection problem if it's a client
issue -- perhaps the packets are getting munched by a firewall. Can you get to
and from other machines behind your firewall? Can other machines get out
through your firewall?
5) You don't say whether your problem is global -- you can't ssh at all -- or
to a specific host. Many servers don't use the standard ports, and you need to
make sure you are pointing to the right place. Similarly, you need to make
sure the server is actually serving. Can you connect with netcat?
6) If you are testing your client on your localhost as server, are you sure the
daemon is really running?
7) You need to show us what your log files say. Are you having authorization
8) Is this a problem all the time or is it intermittent?
9) Is your problem with standard sitting-at-the-console ssh, or is it with
automatic-with-a-cron-job, or both?
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