On 03/25/2013 05:54 PM, Dario Lesca wrote:
Il giorno lun, 25/03/2013 alle 22.50 +0100, Dario Lesca ha scritto:
Il giorno dom, 17/03/2013 alle 00.09 -0400, Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. ha
Figured I'd have to re-name the subject line in order to get a response?
Here's the original inquiry again:

I seem to recall someone posting the procedure to "restoring" the
Options for setting a desktop background (Center-Scale-Zoom-Tiles-etc) I
have a friend who's Dell Inspirion laptop was on its last legs, so I
assisted them in installing F18, but the feature for handling the
desktop background is gone...(missing? kidnapped?) Can anyone help with
what needs to be done in order to get it back?

Thanks To All
$ sudo yum install cinnamon-settings

Then run cinnamon-settings, there are a few settings that have been
removed from gnome 3

hope this help
NOTE: this solution is for a Gnome 3 Desktop Environment, it is not
necessary switch to cinnamon.

Thanks for the tip Dario, but still no go....I followed your instructions and ran it just as you typed it, but I still get nothing. But it's ok...I will just make the switch to MATE or else figure out how to develop and write my own code for an extension I can use! Thanks for all your help!

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