I am sad and disappointed.
Gimp, for me at least, is now a disaster waiting to happen. It's not flying Buzz, it's falling with style. -Save options are more complex than necessary, defaulting to xcf when an image is png, gif or jpg, is rather pathetic.
-Toolbox has disappeared to infinity and beyond.
-I don't want to go find a new tool box each time, with the useless "You can drop dockable dialogs here" message, golly it's beyond useless. I want the bog standard one that always appeared when Gimp opened. -Saved image quality seems deteriorated in comparison to the more ancient Gimps of 6 months to a year ago. Gimp in Ubuntu has not yet suffered the indignities galore of this Fedora 18 gimp.
Same pc, same everything, different Operating system, all Gimp updates.

If anyone out there in Fedora 18 land can help me get the default Gimp tool box back I would be momentarily joyous. The normally vociferous Google seems ominously silent.

Different topic, still sad.
Has anyone found a way to stop Gnome 3 in Fedora 18 from shrinking and enlarging the desktop dependent on where the mouse may be at any point in time. It's affecting my vertigo. I don't wanna go to Mint, don't like Mint. Has any one found a use for the silly dark grey stripe that infrequently appears at the bottom of the Gnone 3 desktop. There's gotta be a use for it. I once had a Selinux error warning light show up in the bottom right corner but that went away.
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