On Thu, 2013-03-14 at 19:25 +0100, Theodore Papadopoulo wrote:
> Yes I imagined that detecting /var/lib/rpm was one way to deal with
> the problem (but not /etc/*-release as this is exactly what I want to
> avoid: having to map distributions to packaging system).
> I was hoping that there was some magic command a la lsb_release which
> could have helped for this). Well I guess I'll have to rely on some
> heuristic like those for now.

I would have thought that looking for the various /etc/release types of
file that you know about would have been the simplest solutions.
Surely, you'd know what to expect for all the releases that you're

In the last few days, I had read a page discussing a more universal
single /etc/release file, that would use the one filename for all
distros, and have parameters inside it that were specific to the
particular release.

I don't remember where I read that, but it was most likely a reference
found on this list.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -r

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