Am 09.03.2013 19:35, schrieb Markus Lindholm:
> On 9 March 2013 19:07, Reindl Harald <> wrote:
>> Am 09.03.2013 18:58, schrieb Markus Lindholm:
>>> I have a box with F18 on which I use automatic login and I just
>>> noticed that Evolution doesn't work any more. It just hangs. If I
>>> logout and back in again, then Evolution comes back to life. And same
>>> thing if I switch of automatic login. I have a recollection that
>>> previously Evolution asked for keyring password when it was started.
>>> Now it doesn't do that any more.
>>> Am I the only one with this problem?
>> most likely because virtually nobody has open his
>> machine so blindly these days
> That I would call a less than helpful response

but a honest one - what rides people to not protect their computers?

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