Marko Vojinovic writes:

On Mon, 25 Feb 2013 21:33:04 -0500
Sam Varshavchik <> wrote:
> Marko Vojinovic writes:
> > Maybe the OP can enlighten me *why* does he need MAC-oriented naming
> > scheme so badly? Just curious... :-)
> This is how the network devices were configured originally, by
> whatever component was used to install whatever Fedora release was
> initially installed on this machine. I don't remember which one it
> was, but that must've been how ifcfg-* was set up some time ago, by
> whatever version of Anaconda was in effect at that time.
> I don't see the big hassle with binding network interfaces by MAC
> addresses. It's not like I replace NIC cards every week.

Not necessarily the NIC itself. But moving the hard drive from a dead
box to a new box will have the same effect. This is done more often,
I guess.

Maybe, but still not often enough to worry about.

Also, have you ever built a cluster? Typically, you install and
configure everything on one system, and then push the harddrive image
to all other (headless) nodes. Once the whole thing boots, you find out
that all config files for all NICs are wrong (since MAC addresses will
be different), and you have no network access to any of the nodes...
On a 100-node cluster this can be a very big pain.

Though I admit that building a three-digit-node cluster is not an "every
week" thing either. :-)

In that kind of a situaton you're not going to have those nodes multihomed. They'll typically have one LAN port, and that's about it, so you don't care about MAC addresses.

This is more important when you're building a router with a LAN and a WAN port. I can see a situation like this when you're provisioning a bunch of nodes in a web farm.

But I could probably think up of a scripted approach to hack up an image that gets pushed to all the nodes, then have them on their first boot figure out their NICs and their MAC addresses, and fix up the ifcfg* rules and udev rules to bind them the way I have it set up on my piddly router.

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