On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 7:19 AM, "Germán A. Racca"

> On 02/25/2013 11:44 AM, Richard Vickery wrote:
>> I meant the former, as did Mr. O'Connor. The experience was the same in
>> 17 as it seems to be in KDE. But my preference is to use Gnome. Which
>> line of code am I to put where to get the same effect in Gnome? Perhaps
>> this question is better put to the Developers group.
> Use this command to see how the image is rendered:
> $ gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.background picture-options
> and this command to change the rendering option:
> $ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-options OPTION
> where OPTION can be one of the following values:
> none, wallpaper, centered, scaled, stretched, zoom, spanned.
> For example, to set a wallpaper with zoom option:
> $ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-options zoom
> HTH,
> Germán.
>  On Feb 24, 2013 7:40 PM, "Eddie G. O'Connor Jr." <eoconno...@gmail.com
>> <mailto:eoconno...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     On 02/24/2013 10:30 PM, Bill Oliver wrote:
>>         Are you talking about the desktop background image?  I think
>>         that's a function of which desktop you are using.  I use KDE,
>>         and nothing has changed -- you just right click on the
>>         background, choose "Default Desktop Settings" then choose (or
>>         open) the image, then pick  the "scaled" option.  I don't know
>>         how it's done in Gnome.
>>         Or do you mean the splash screen? I haven't played with that...
>>         billo
>>         On Sun, 24 Feb 2013, Richard Vickery wrote:
>>             In 17 there was an easy way to scale a photo for a
>>             background to the screen. In Fedora 18 this ease is gone. Is
>>             there a way to scale a photo to fit the screen without the
>>             ease of a button that I can do on my own?
>>             Thanks,
>>             Richard
>>     Well I cannot speak for Mr. Vickery, but I was talking about the
>>     little button that was visible when you chose an image to become
>>     your desktop background in Gnome, this button gave you the options
>>     of Fill.....Center.....Tile......**__Span......Stretch etc the image
>>     you chose. It seems that as of F18 that's al changed? or was it
>>     changed within an update, because I seem to recall being able to do
>>     it! But with the button gone, when you select a picture, there's no
>>     way to scale it or stretch it or ANYTHING....all you have is the
>>     picture, and if it's not displayed properly you're pretty much
>>     "fluffed"!....
>>     WGO II
> --
> Germán A. Racca
> Fedora Package Maintainer
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Thanks very much German! (Please forgive my lack of the accent; I lack the
expertise of how to add this)
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