Lets be gratefull that NAT will be a thing of the past as soon as V6 will be 
used more generally.
Just like accoustic coupled modems: once generally accepted and even state of 
the art, now something for a museum -:)

----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
Van: Tim [mailto:ignored_mail...@yahoo.com.au]
Verzonden: Thursday, February 21, 2013 05:52 PM W. Europe Standard Time
Aan: Community support for Fedora users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org>
Onderwerp: Re: Odd Question, Wifi

>> To a large degree, a Windows box is protected from the internet by
>> NAT in the router, ...

Dave Ihnat:
> NAT is not a security protection.  At best it's obfuscation.

Yes, I know.  Poor choice of words, on my behalf.  It's somewhat
buffered, in that NAT often gets in the way.  But it's not meant to keep
things out, so any expectation that it will, is bad thinking.

I've even come across modem/routers that go out of their way to help
outside connections come through their NAT to the other side.  The idea
being to make it easier for less savvy users to still be able to play
games, do their VOIPing, etc.

> And if someone comes into a LAN via it's WAP, they're on the _inside_,
> so NAT doesn't apply, and they're behind the router border firewall
> (if any).

My point was, Windows users (who, typically, don't know much about what
they're doing - let's face it, there's hundreds of thousands of
non-technical users), have kind-of gotten used to being somewhat
protected from outside disturbances by their modem/routers, unlike how
their old modems offered no isolation, now have something behind that
not very tangible barrier, as another easy way in.

Firewalls made of rice paper...

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -r

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