[] On Behalf Of Jim
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 9:40 PM
To: Community support for Fedora users
Subject: Re: Odd Question, Wifi

On 02/19/2013 03:13 PM, JOYCE POLZIN wrote:

Is there any way a Unsecure Wifi connection,  one can determine how to
contact the owner about his connection.

I can't visualise how , but I just thought I would just ask.
What do you want to do?  Wardrive around your neighborhood and then start 
knocking on doors?
You will probably get arrested as in many locals I believe that wardriving has 
been outlawed.

No I'm not a Wardriver, I just think the guy shouldn't be using a Unsecured AP, 
 It leads to nothing but trouble down the road, when a hacker logs on to his 
open AP and starts hacking the Dept of Defence and the FBI shows up at his door 
one day and takes his computer and everything connected to it.

I do have some very good neighbours and hate to see one hauled off to jail for 
something he wasn't aware of.

An open access point isn’t such a issue.
Actually, I wouldn’t put my trust in the security measures provided by an A.P.: 
They are either too weak, or they are too costly in performance.

It is more controlling who is using it, which can be obtained by only allowing 
ipsec or openvpn through the A.P. to your own firewall.
Without the proper keys/certs, one only get an non-routable ip address. Big 

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