On 09.02.2013, Reindl Harald wrote: 

> most of the people using fedora since years did not
> notice any difference except the loading-screen by
> the switch to libreoffice

Well, I didn't see this will end up in flames. Otherwise I wouldn't
have participated in this thread. Nevermind. Don't using M$ Office
while studying is painfull enough. Precisely: you're sittin' home hacking Zotero
and have to tailor your institution's citation style, while all the
other students are on the institutional Endnote workshop. You have to
fight with incompatibilities because you're using Impress while all
the machines at the congresses are solely running Powerpoint (which causes
incompatibilities when used to display .odp files). That's hard

You have your opinions, I have mine. So end of story.

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