Hi there.  Still running f16 which I know  reaches EOL in a few days.
Been reluctant to install f18 due to hearing that install program had
some major problems, although I guess I will have to give it a go

I had audacity and the audacity manual installed.  When I found that
the build of audacity I had would not handle mp3 files I attempted to
remove audacity because install of audacity-freeworld which includes
mp3 support failed due to a confilict with the existing audacity

Yum informed me that it was going remove audacity and audacity-manual.

 audacity                          i686                   2.0.2-2.fc16
                     @updates                    14 M
Removing for dependencies:
 audacity-manual                   i686                   2.0.2-2.fc16
                     @updates                    18 M

rpm -q --filesbypkg audacity-manual gave a long list of files in

some html files, images, etc.   It does not seem right that the manual
has to be removed to remove audacity.

Seems like a bug to me.  Not sure where to report it.  Is it just in
the fedora packaging or upstream?

I just copied audacity-manual/* to audacity-manual-wtf but would like
to report this so it can be fixed.

Will do some more digging later, just thought I'd ask to see if anyone
knows where a bug report should be filed.  I looked on
http://bugzilla.audacityteam.org and did not find anything when
searching for either dependency or manual.


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