On 02/04/2013 04:00 AM, Vikram Goyal wrote:

On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 10:29 PM, Timothy Murphy <gayle...@eircom.net <mailto:gayle...@eircom.net>> wrote:

    KMail has ceased working on my Fedora-18/KDE laptop,
    after an update yesterday.

    I've been thinking for some time that
    I should have an alternative mail-reader,
    as KMail has had several hiccups over recent years.
    So I have yum-installed Thunderbird and can read my email,
    but with some difficulty.

    I should say that I only want to collect email
    from my home server, running IMAP/dovecot,
    while I want to send email through my ISP (SMTP).

    I couldn't see any way to set this up properly with thunderbird,
    as it only asked me for one password,
    and I have a different username and password on my ISP account
    and on my local server.
    There seemed to be no facility to give a password
    for the IMAP account.
    Under "authentication" it simply said "Standard".
    I got an error message the ISP password I gave
    when I checked the IMAP account,
    and when I changed the password I got an error message
    for the ISP account.
    I was surprised that I was able nevertheless to read my email.

    Secondly, looking for advice on setting up thunderbird,
    all the online advice I saw suggested clicking on the Tools icon,
    presumably in the toolbar.
    But I have no such item in my thunderbird toolbar;
    the only items are Get Mail, Write, Chat, Address Book and Quick

    Thirdly, I couldn't see any simple way to delete email.
    Presumably there are some key-shortcuts somewhere,
    but if so I was unable to locate them.

    Any suggestions or advice gratefully received.

One can change the Outgoing Server SMTP settings by clicking on the account name on left pane.

This opens an options pane on right side with options like "View settings for this account"

Click on this & on left pane the last option is Outgoing Server (SMTP)

Here you can either edit the settings or u can create a new connection & make it default for the account.


Late model Thunderbirds hide the menu bar you're looking for, but you can get it back. On the upper right hand side of the screen you will find a little gadget of three horizontal bars. Click on that, and there will be a 2-column menu. In the right column, you will find Preferences, and under that, will find check boxes. Check Menu Bar and you will have
your file-edit-view, etc back where you expect.

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