On Fri, 2013-02-01 at 14:41 +0100, Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 01.02.2013 14:37, schrieb Patrick O'Callaghan:
> > On Fri, 2013-02-01 at 09:53 +0100, Reindl Harald wrote:
> >>
> >> Am 01.02.2013 07:29, schrieb Ralf Corsepius:
> >>> On 02/01/2013 01:44 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> Am 01.02.2013 01:35, schrieb Patrick O'Callaghan:
> >>>>> Reading is not done letter by letter or word by
> >>>>> word, but in larger units, and every time I see 'i'
> >>>>> instead of 'I', it interrupts my train of comprehension
> >>>>
> >>>> well, that is your personal problem
> >>>>
> >>>> in fact here in german speaking countries there are
> >>>> way more words which are normally not written lowercase
> >>>> at all but nobody has a problem these days read sms, email
> >>>> and so on without a single uppercase letter
> >>>
> >>> Harald, you're in error. Many German speaking people consider style of 
> >>> writing you are using here, to be rude,
> >>> disrespectful and childish - I am one of these
> >>
> >> fine that i work with people for which is content more
> >> important than style - the other way is childish for me
> > 
> > wellthatstherestofusputinourplacethenisntit
> this is as laughable as your thread at all
> if you do not realize the differene between writing 'i' instead of 'I'
> or write lowercase at all and strip out spaces between words i fear
> nobody can help you

What's the problem? I merely used the conventions of ancient Greek and
Roman writing (though strictly speaking I should have put it all in
upper case), and you clearly understood it. Isn't the content more
important than the style?


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