On 01/31/2013 05:05 PM, Sergio Augusto Vladisauskis wrote:
>   How to maximise SSD performance with Linux: 
> http://apcmag.com/how-to-maximise-ssd-performance-with-linux.htm

A better title would have been: "How to have a SSD and not use it".
It explains how to not use it for swap, tmp files, logs, browser cache, ...

It will also make you lose any accesstime reporting, as relatime is replaced
with noatime,nodiratime.

And it suggests messing with the disk scheduler, which will not improve anything
(noop can actually make the system slower).

And it suggests to enable trim, which, even if it is something to consider, is 
not enabled
by default for some good (performance) reasons.

The only good advice is to align the partitions, but this has probably been 
done during the system installation; if not, good luck shifting everything a 
few blocks.

Here are my personal recommendations for SSD:
1) replace the HDD with the SSD
2) there is no step 2


   Roberto Ragusa    mail at robertoragusa.it
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