On 01/27/2013 11:00 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
On 01/27/2013 01:44 PM, Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. wrote:
I like your ideas J.Z....(LoL!) like I know of a few distros that have
their "long term support" versions that are stable, and the packages and
apps have all been tested and have been proven to work. Then they also
have their "ex[experimental / developing" distros which include a lot of
apps and software that may-or-may-not work as expected.

Thanx.  AIUI, Fedora does have an experimental version: Rawhide.  Alas,
I'm beginning to get the impression that things are taken from Rawhide
and dropped into the mainstream version before they're ready.
That's my perception for a long time - I feel it's just that thanks to systemd, Gnome3 and F18's anaconda, things have become more visible to "normal" end-users.


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