On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 3:33 PM, JPAM69 wrote:

> I just found in another post a trick, which worked for me:
> just create the 'trash' folder, quit the kontact application, start it
> again.  kmail will automatically recognize the 'trash' directory, will
> assign the trash icon to it and all removed messages will be moved from now
> on to this directory.  It seems that the trash folder simply does not
> exist,
> and "move to trash" simply means delete forever!
> I hope this helps (I also looked for this for a while!!!)

It worked! Notably, it must be "trash" and not "Trash". And I also missed
that I had to exit and restart the application.

I absolutely do not understand why all that was necessary. This belongs in
the UI Hall of Shame.

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