On 23/01/13 08:26, William Murray wrote:Allegedly, on or about 23 January 2013, 
William Murray sent:
/  in ./NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/ and looks at new network
/>>/  connections.
/>>/  If it sees one machine some criteria it calls a backup script
/>>/  in /etc/cron.daily/ which rsyncs various directories between my laptop
/>>/  and a desktop machine. This worked will in F17 and many
/>>/  previous versions.
/>>/      In F18 the rsync command fails to connect:
/>>/    dbus-daemon[938]: Could not create directory '/root/.ssh'.
/>>/    dbus-daemon[938]: Host key verification failed.
/>>/ />>/ If I run either of the scripts as root interactively then they work.
/>>/  But not when NetworkManager tries  to run them. Any idea what might be
/>>/  wrong? Both end already have /root/.ssh, so this error confuses me.
First thought:  The scripts run by the dispatcher probably aren't being
run as the root user.

Thanks...I tried echoing the output of 'whois' but that says root.
Second thought, unrelated to the problem, but a common enough gotcha for
any automatically run scripts:  Sometimes scripts don't run in the same
environment as you're used to, as a user.  So it can be better to write
the full path to any command, rather than just use the command name, and
hope that it's in the search path of the script's environment.  /bin
probably is, but you never know with /sbin, and the various ones
inside /usr.
The thing is that rsync is being run - does it matter how?. I dug a bit
deeper though, and turned up the debug on sshd on the server, and diffed the 

I see 'good' and 'bad' attempts are the same up to
"expecting SSH2_MGG_NEWKEYS received [preauth]"
but that then a login launched by NetworkManager says
"Connection closed by XXX.YYY.ZZZ.??? [preauth]"
while one from me logged in as root says:
 "SSH2_MGG_NEWKEYS received [preauth]"

Does this give any clues?

Bill Murray                     ----                       ATLAS
STFC RAL at: Bat 40 4-C28, CERN,1211 Meyrin, Geneve 23, Switzerland
  Tel:- CERN +41 22 7678432    or  RAL +44 (0)1235 446256

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