Am 23.01.2013 15:41, schrieb Ranjan Maitra:
> Therefore, I would like to suggest that Fedora put this current
> installer (F18) in abeyance and re-roll the release using the old
> installer while the new one is fixed for F19 (after responding to the
> feedback generated thus far)

this is impossible

because first new anaconda was approved and integration
all over the distribution started and after that damage
was done people realized "hm new anaconda is not ready"

that is why i repeatly had the question "WTF does FESCo?"

if someone comes with a feautre with a impact on the whole
distribution and says "i can not show you anything but i
promise to do all this work in the few months" kiss this
naive child in the future goodbye and tell him he should
come again if the work is done and not only promised

whe had pulseaudio, kde4.0, gnome3, systemd
how often do we need the same again until developers start to think?

now the damage is done - F18 is a release with a highly dangerous
or partly unuseable installer depending on the usecase/workload
and nobody on this planet can change this for F18

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