Last week as my DELL Vostro 1510 updated RPM's as normal.  In these updates 
there must have been a kernel update. Since then WIFI has stopped working.

If I manually select the previous kernel the WIFI resumes working but with the 
newer one it doesn't.

I could remove the newer kernel to fix this short term but the next set of RPM 
updates will only re-apply the update.

Other than waiting for another kernel which is hopefully fixed, what options 
do I have?

The kernel that doesn't work is 

The kernel that does work is

The WIFI on the Vostro has always been a pain with some Fedora releases 
working out of the box and others, as with this Fedora 17 I have to manually 
install broadcom-wl and kmod-wl

Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages 
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