On 01/22/2013 03:34 PM, Sergio Belkin wrote:

Please Joe, if you don't know the answer to my question don't try to be
sarcastic, thanks Edward for your useful answer!. I always addressed
with respect. And you say "we" who are "we/us"? Why don't limit to say
"I/me"? I've said that it could be nice not have to burn a disc to
install freshly a new release, it's no so hare-brained what I'm asking.

I wasn't being sarcastic; I simply felt that it wasn't clear why you wanted to do this and asked for more info. And, I never said that it wasn't a good idea. In fact you'll note that once I knew your motive I made it plain that I saw no reason you shouldn't do it, or that it was a Bad Idea.
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