On 01/21/2013 01:53 PM, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
On Mon, 21 Jan 2013 13:28:12 -0500 "Eddie G. O'Connor Jr."
<eoconno...@gmail.com> wrote:
I too was going to install F18...but I will wait until F19 or F20 before
I move forward....I have way too much riding on this laptop working
properly...and since it's an "old" Gateway....I'd rather not have to
deal with various problems.....issues...and "broken" things....so no
"18" for me...as long as there's going to be a Gnome 3.x version for
Fedora I'll always use it...just not when it becomes too buggy....
Many of us (like you) do use our linux (Fedora) machines for work (and
largely so). Some of us also happen to believe in the philosophy and
value of OSS. However, the software can only improve if we try them out
and provide feedback. Therefore, it is important for us to try these
out and report. Our feedback is valuable to the developers whose work
is of greater value and should be appreciated. Both together lead to
value in the OSS world.
As an aside, I would have preferred a rolling release model with a
snapshot (these could be the releases every six months) once in a while.
This keeps packages more stable and also guards against the mad rush to
somehow get a release out (to Fedora's credit, they did do a 2.5-month
delay to get 18 right, but it appears that they should have waited much
more. Of course, the rolling release model is not something that Fedora
developers have decided to go for, and they do have the final say in
this matter (as they should: of course I hope they pause to reconsider).
In my mind, the biggest issue with F18 is the installer which has been
commented on, and which puts things like disk partitioning under the
rug. Perhaps the goal is to mimic other popular (by ways of mob vote)
OS's, but some of us have never used anything other than a unix/linux
system and these users should not have to pay the price for not
expecting to use days of agony to upgrade a system, as I happily note my
friends in these other OS-worlds do.
As another aside, about ten or so years ago, I was given to understand
that if a package moved to 1.0, it would be stable in perpetuity, in
the sense that old methods would continue to work with minor changes if
at all. I don't know if I misunderstood but this was a good model to go
by, in my opinion.
Best wishes,
I agree with you....and although I am anxious as all "get out" to put 18
on my machine...I think I will dust off my old Dell Inspirion and put it
on there to "test" it out. I would hate to think the developers feel
they're unappreciated. I wish I could e-mail them directly and tell them
just how MUCH they're appreciated....I used to use Windows
because....frankly that was all I knew...then I saw a friend using F14
and I couldn't BELIEVE the things he showed me....things I would be able
to "do" in Fedora that I would NEVER be able to do in Windows...(don't
like the way we setup your Windows NT 4.0 desktop?...TOO BAD!) And then
he dropped the "bomb" on me letting me know he paid NOTHING for it! I
was FLOORED I immediately went home and following his directions
(because I didn't even know what an .iso WAS!) I installed it on this
same Gateway..totally blew away the Windows OS, and I've not looked back
since, I've installed other versions of Linux on my desktops...(I have
three...Linux Mint......CEntOS...and Scientific Linux) but Fedora has
been my "main" machine. I also wouldn't mind them switching to a rolling
release.....I'm sure it would go a lot smoother regarding old hardware
and peripherals and such, but I'm an "F'er" for life! I don't think I
can ever go back to a Windows environment, not because of the price
factor...(I contribute to the Fedoraproject regularly!) but because if
it's limitations! I can only send out a hearty "Thank You" to everyone
who's involved with cranking out this most awesome OS. Cheers!!
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