On 01/17/2013 01:59 AM, Suvayu Ali wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 12:41:41AM +0000, Phil Dobbin wrote:
>> Hi, all.
>> I've been watching the developments regarding everybody trying to
>> upgrade via FedUp & can anyone advise me whether issuing:
>> 'sudo fedup-cli —network 18 —debuglog fedupdebug.log'
>> is still the recommended way to approach the upgrade?
>> I'm running a rock solid Fedora 17 with all updates applied & intend to
>> disable any extra repos that I have personally added to sources by hand.
> I would recommend not to use fedup.  I'm facing a lot of troubles after
> going the fedup route.  Although not officially supported, you could try
> upgrading via yum.  It has been reliably working for people across
> multiple releases.

Mmm. I'm not really sure about using yum. If FedUp is the approved
method, I'm at least going to try it.

I've been running several versions of 18 for quite some time now either
on a physical machine or a virtual one without too many problems so I'll
think I'll spin up another couple of KVM VMs & try using FedUp in them
first & report my findings good or otherwise via the appropriate channels.

If FedUp is as unreliable as you say, it's a pretty serious bug that
needs addressing as soon as possible.



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