For those who may be doing the same...... I had a fully updated F17-32 system with GNOME, KDE, LXDE, OpenBox, and Xfce installed. It was running just fine with gdm running as the window manager. I also had the Vbox Guest Additions installed. To get a running F18 system I did the following....
1. Disabled the 3rd party repos for adobe, google-chrome, and rpmfusion 2. I then ran "sudo fedup --network 18 --debuglog fedupdebug.log" and rebooted when prompted. 3. The upgrade proceeded with the flashing Fedora icon and then rebooted when finished. 4. The boot process then appeared to hang at the end with the Fedora icon shown. To fix that it was necessary to boot to multi-user mode and reinstall the Vbox Guest Additions. 5. Rebooted and it came up OK. My desktop is KDE and logging into it went as expected. I then did a "yum distro-sync" since from other posts it appears that some F17 packages are newer than those of F18. 6. Logging in to the GNOME environment also went well. So, the "failures" reported in a different thread were most likely due to having the 3rd party MATE repo defined and active. -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. -- Rick Cook, The Wizardry Compiled -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options: Guidelines: Have a question? Ask away: