On 01/16/2013 05:33 AM, Steve Berg wrote:
From what I've read it seems that
the anaconda in F18 will not be able to deal with this setup like
previous anaconda's.

Anaconda doesn't do upgrades anymore. Other than that, if you linked to what you'd read, it would help explain any issues that you might face. I haven't seen anything that would lead me to believe that your setup would be problematic under Anaconda (which will only do installs, not upgrades).

I haven't yet started to figure out a decent
kickstart since supposedly that will get around the problem.

Kickstart shouldn't present any capabilities that aren't present in Anaconda.

My question is about fedup.  Will fedup be able to work with this sort
of setup or should I put in the time to figure out a good kickstart config?

Yes, it should. It'll boot the kernel that you're already running and do an upgrade in the running system.

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