On 01/13/2013 10:03 AM, g wrote:
> why is it that when posting to this tsl i will sometimes receive my
> via my subscription and sometimes i do not?


get a hunch. bet a bunch.

as it turns out the ???great and wonderful??? yahoo has done it again.

for some strange and yet to be know reason, yahoo has been marking emails
from this list and 2 others that i subscribe to.

in a desperate hope of finding a link to someone at the ???great and
wonderful??? yahoo who could help me with this problem, i decided to
log att.com to look for such a link.

thinking that the place to start would be from the email page, i move
to it to see what might be shown.

what hit me in the eye as soon as email page opened was that i had 385
emails in the Spam folder. thinking that that was a lot of spam that i
had been saved from, i open the Spam folder.

needless to say, first thing i noted was that first view was all emails
from the list that i subscribe to. of the 385 "spam" emails, 3 where
actually spam.

pissed is a mild description of how i felt. PFM is closer. what was
even more aggravating, there is nothing in the email setup to disable
spam filtering. if there is, it is hidden because i looked thru ever
section of setups.

tomorrow i will be talking with at&t internet service and if they do
not offer a solution, i will be looking for a new dsl service.

it is not bad enough that i am paying for a 756k0 service and only
getting, sometimes, 78k0 download, but now i find out that the
???great and wonderful??? yahoo email service has been marking good
emails as spam and then automatically deleting them for me. what is
even worse, this has been going on for almost a full year.

and yes, i have used firefox to do online emailing. only reason i
can figure that i did not notice anything strange is because i must
have logged in when Spam folder had been so thoughtfully automatically

my most great full appreciation to all who took time to post to this
thread in effort to help.

to those who more of a hinder than help, you get another KAFBA. (GBWG)


may God bless you all.


peace out.



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