On 01/16/2013 01:29 AM, Thomas Dineen wrote:
> Gentle People:
>      My suggestion: Use Fedora 14 and immediately load all updates.
>      Results from my testing:
>          Fedora 17 x64   - Not usable way to many bugs.
>          Fedora 17 x32   - Barely usable, not ready for prime time!
>      I am staying with Fedora 14!
>      I would suggest that the Fedora Group stop all work on new versions
> and exclusively focus on debugging Fedora 17!

You are free to suggest whatever you want.

I am also free to point out that I feel your suggestion to be misguided and 
based on your singular experience for which you provide *no* specifics.

On this particular system whose hardware has remained unchanged, except for the 
video card (RIP), I've run F14-32, F15-32, F16-32, F17-64, and now F18-64.  I 
moved to F18 during the pre-release phase when my video card died.  Except for 
a problem with nouveau, for which I've filed a bugzilla, I've no major problems.

I should also point out that if the situation were as dire as you suggest this 
list would be swapped with people seeking help.  You'll notice that isn't the 

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger 
and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and 
better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. -- Rick Cook, The Wizardry 
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