On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 5:14 PM, Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net> wrote:

> where was F17 unstable?
> running in production since months for any sort of
> servers, routers and gateways without a single crash

Different environment, different experiences. My work desktop, running
an up to date F17, hangs solid pretty regularly (once a day or so), to
the point where even magic sysrq doesn't respond and I need to
confiscate its power to get it restarted. Hell, the F17 installer
won't even boot on it, and it's not as if it's some obscure home built
machine - it's a Dell. My home desktop, also on F17, is slightly
better but still problematic. I can't print from it, for example.
SlowKeys randomly turn on for both machines. Not insurmountable (once
you've worked out what the problem is), but it shouldn't be doing that
out of the box. I've had numerous other problems on both machines. F17
hasn't quite pushed me to another distribution, but it's close. I
suspect if F18 is as bad, I'll finally jump ship.


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