On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 10:52 AM, Leo Pleiman <>wrote:

> I can send you a link in 15 minutes
> On Jan 15, 2013 10:43 AM, "German Waisvol" <>
> wrote:
>> Hi, somebody can help me?
>> regards,
>> 2013/1/15 German Waisvol <>
>>> Leo, I'm newbie. could you give me a few more details, or tell me where
>>> can i read?
>>> regards!
>>> 2013/1/15 Leo Pleiman <>
>>>> Sounds complicated.   The way I performed DS migrations was to
>>>> established the new server as a multi-master and then simply stop the old
>>>> server and delete the multi-master relationship on the new server.   The
>>>> published instructions are very clear.
>>>> On Jan 15, 2013 8:27 AM, "German Waisvol" <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> good morning, I need help migrating from fedora-ds (installed on
>>>>> Redhat 4) to another server (389-ds installed on Redhat Server 6.3).
>>>>> I followed the procedure, based on the documentation and the topics on
>>>>> the forum, but at the end, i get this error message:
>>>>> [root@abelardo ~]# --oldsroot /tmp/fedora-ds
>>>>> --actualsroot /opt/fedora-ds General.ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd=generica
>>>>> Beginning migration of Directory and Administration servers from
>>>>> /tmp/fedora-ds . . .
>>>>> Beginning migration of directory server instances in /tmp/fedora-ds .
>>>>> . .
>>>>> The target directory server instance already exists at
>>>>> /etc/dirsrv/slapd-abelardo-ldap/dse.ldif.  Skipping migration.  Note that
>>>>> if you want to migrate the old instance you will have to first remove the
>>>>> new one of the same name.
>>>>> Beginning migration of Administration server from /tmp/fedora-ds . . .
>>>>> Creating Admin Server files and directories . . .
>>>>> The server 'ldap://' is
>>>>> not reachable.  Error: unknown error
>>>>> Exiting . . .
>>>>> Log file is '/tmp/migratea7ojkn.log'
>>>>> I attach the procedure that i followed for make the migration:
>>>>> on the fedora-ds server:
>>>>>          1)     /etc/init.d/ldap stop
>>>>>          2)    cd  /opt/fedora-ds/slapd-abelardo-ldap/db
>>>>>          3)     ./db2ldif -n userRoot -a
>>>>> /opt/fedora-ds/slapd-abelardo-ldap/db/userRoot.ldif
>>>>>          4)     ./db2ldif -n NetscapeRoot -a
>>>>> /opt/fedora-ds/slapd-abelardo-ldap/db/NetscapeRoot.ldif
>>>>>          5)   Edit the NetscapeRoot.ldif and change Fedora Directory
>>>>> to 389 Directory, and Fedora Administration to 389 Administration.
>>>>>          6)   make the tar and send this  to the new server:     tar
>>>>> -cpvf fedora-ds.tar fedora-ds
>>>>> on the new 389-ds server:
>>>>>          1) Install Redhat 6.3 server
>>>>>          2) yum update
>>>>>          3) Install EPEL:
>>>>> 1)                               wget
>>>>> <>
>>>>>         4)  rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
>>>>>         5) Install 389-ds:
>>>>>              yum --enablerepo=epel-testing-389-ds-base
>>>>> --enablerepo=epel-testing install 389-ds
>>>>>         6) extract the tar to /tmp on the new server:    tar -xpvf
>>>>> fedora-ds.tar
>>>>>         7) Remove the 10presense.ldif files:
>>>>>                       rm -rf
>>>>> ./slapd-abelardo-ldap/config/schema/10presence.ldif
>>>>>                       rm -rf ./bin/slapd/install/schema/10presence.ldif
>>>>>         8) Change Fedora to 389 in the following files:
>>>>>                 /tmp/fedora-ds/admin-serv/config/adm.conf
>>>>>                 /tmp/fedora-ds/admin-serv/config/local.conf
>>>>>       9) Run the migration script:
>>>>>        --oldsroot /tmp/fedora-ds
>>>>> --actualsroot /opt/fedora-ds General.ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd=generica
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> --
>>>>> 389 users mailing list
>>>> --
>>>> 389 users mailing list

Leo Pleiman
Sr. Manager, Systems Architecture
Salsa Labs, Ingredients for Organizing
202.787.3622 (o)
410.688.3873 (c)
389 users mailing list

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