On 12/20/2012 08:40, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
On Thu 20 Dec 2012 01:14:50 AM EST, Dave Quigley wrote:
I'm trying to get Eclipse working with Github on F17 and I've been
following a tutorial and I keep getting this error.
org.eclipse.jgit.transport.CredentialItem$StringType:Passphrase for
I tried adding the passphrase for the github key with ssh-add but it
doesn't seem to be working. Does anyone have any idea how I can get
the passphrase into egit so that I can put to the remote github
This may be a more up to date version of the guide I was using last
night but under Juno there is no git+ssh option for the protocol. Its
also not showing a box asking for the passphrase for the key. I don't
know if this is because I'm in some other desktop environment and not
Gnome 3 or what but I don't get prompted to unlock the key.
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