On 12/13/2012 10:24 AM, Philip Rhoades wrote:
After struggling with build iso errors with Pungi and Revisor and not
getting any response from posts to the buildsys and test lists, I
thought I would try here:

While trying to build F17, F18 and Rawhide with configs like the
attached kickstart file and a command like:

   pungi -c system_config_kickstart.ks --nosource --force --ver=F18

I get this error.  It appears that this was a problem with F15/16 as well?

I want to build a minimal F18 install CD (ie NOT a Live CD).

Am I missing something? - anaconda and lorax are in x86_64/os/Packages/

Someone must have this working?


Revisor was a beautiful tool, but it is not maintained anymore.


Germán A. Racca
Fedora Package Maintainer
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