On 11/22/12, Guido Winkelmann <guido-fedora-us...@unknownsite.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to package some software with rpmbuild and signing the packages
> at
> the same time. I'm following the guide found here:
> http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-rpm3/
> It mostly works - I do get properly signed RPMs at the end - however,
> despite
> running gpg-agent, rpmbuild keeps asking for my (lengthy) GPG-passphrase
> every
> single time it is finished with a spec-file. This can be particularly
> annoying
> when building very large packages, because, instead of asking again,
> rpmbuild
> will abort the entire process if I mistype the passphrase even once. If I
> run
> rpmbuild again after that, it will build the whole package over again...

When I used to maintain Node.js packages for Fedora, I always ran
`rpmsign --addsign` after a plain rpmbuild without the --sign.  Doing
it this way only requires entry of the password once as long you pass
a glob to rpmsign, and eliminates the need for a full rebuild if you
typo the passphrase.

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