Thx Tim, you have added to the reigning consensus, I appreciate your time
to reply, jackc...

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 2:50 AM, Tim <> wrote:

> Allegedly, on or about 30 November 2012, Jack Craig sent:
> > Pls consider a configuration with a single host providing NFS4
> > /home directories for other hosts in a 6 host cluster. Further,
> > openldap is on the same host to provide for authentication
> > on all 6.
> >
> > the architect says its ok to configure all hosts w/DHCP,
> > but i see the ip changing every day or 2 (many reboots due setup).
> >
> > I am a huge fan of static ip for servers, but what do i know?! :(
> You want servers to have the same IPs, always.  That can be done by
> configuring the computers, individually.  For clients, it's usually not
> too much of an issue whether their IP changes.  And it's usually easiest
> to configure clients at the server.  That way, you only have to
> configure things on one machine (everything controlled on your server).
> For the clients, there are two alternatives to completely randomly
> assigned dynamic addresses:  Tying them to the same IPs, always.  Or, it
> may be good enough to simply make them far less likely to change IPs.
> For cases where it's merely a question of convenience, and you don't
> really need to fix them, just set your DHCP server so that default lease
> times are long enough that a client will get the same IP as last time,
> by default.
> If you use Samba, particularly with some actual Windows client machines,
> you may find it works more smoothly if the client machines always use
> the same IPs.  SMB can be very slow at dealing with changes to addresses
> of machines.
> --
> [tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
> Linux 3.6.7-4.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Nov 20 19:40:01 UTC 2012 x86_64
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